5 Reasons to Hire a Bus to Transport Guests To and From Your Wedding Celebration
Posted on: 26 June 2017
If you've got a wedding in your future, you're probably fairly overwhelmed with details and may have overlooked the importance of providing professional transportation for your wedding guests. However, arranging for charter buses won't take up much of your time, and there are many advantages to doing so. Following are just a few reasons reasons to hire a bus for your wedding celebration.
Your Guests Are From Out of Town
Out of town guests will appreciate not having to attempt to navigate unfamiliar terrain in order to attend your wedding festivities. You won't have to worry about your aunts from across the country or your cousins from a different part of the state getting lost on the way to your wedding.
You'll Be Serving Adult Beverages at Your Celebration
Weddings and their subsequent receptions are celebratory events that often involve toasts with adult beverages. It is common to serve beer, wine, and cocktails during the reception, and everyone pays lip service to the concept of not drinking and driving -- yet it still happens far more often than many care to admit. A driver doesn't have to be visibly intoxicated to be a hazard on the road, and in some cases, even one glass of champagne is enough to cause adverse reactions with any prescription or over-the-counter medication the person may be on, rendering them completely unfit to drive.
Another factor to bear in mind is that is while most wedding celebrations that serve adult beverages do make an attempt to provide a ride home for any guest who has imbibed too much, many people are embarrassed to request this service -- and trying to wrestle the keys from wedding guests is sure to dampen any future memories.
You'll bypass these potential scenarios by providing transportation to and from the event. Charter bus companies pick up and drop off guests at their doorsteps, too, so you won't have to worry about someone driving home from a central meeting location.
It's also wise to bear in mind that many states have host liability laws, which can hold you responsible for damages in the event that one of your guests leaves your celebration after consuming adult beverages and gets into an accident on the way home.
Your Guests Won't Have Parking Issues
Ideally, event venues provide a reasonable amount of parking, but if your guest list is large, guests may end up vying for the available good spaces. The same may be true if your venue is located in a dense urban area. Providing transportation options allows guests to avoid potentially contentious situations where people are competing for parking in a limited area. Guests also won't have to worry about not being able to find their vehicles after the event is over.
You Want to Impress Your Guests
Who doesn't want to impress guests who are helping celebrate the most special day of their lives? Hiring classy transportation shows your guests how much you value and appreciate their presence.
You Want Your Event to End at a Certain Time
Face it -- there's always those few who persist in lingering far after the celebration should have ended. If you've got a bus scheduled to get your guests home, you won't be stuck trying to find a polite way to shake loose stragglers. Even for those few guests who choose to arrange for their own transportation, the departure of the bus serves as a clear sign that the party is over.
Reach out to a local charter bus company for more information on the benefits of hiring a professional transportation company to meet the needs of your wedding guests.